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Administrative Procedure 230: Home Education

All students within the boundaries of the division are normally expected to attend the school in their attendance area. However, it is recognized that in some situations parents may exercise the right to educate their children at home. Home education is therefore a program of choice.

Home education must be based on a program that is prescribed, authorized or approved by the Minister or a program designed by the parent. If the parent designs a program that does not follow the Alberta Program of Studies, the parent must declare that the program is consistent with the student learning outcomes listed in Alberta Education’s Home Education Regulation.

Home education programs in the division are subject to the following procedures:

  1. A student shall register with Palliser School Division by completing the  Student Registration Form and providing the requested documentation.
  2. A student may be placed on a home education program and registered at his/her designated school provided there is a written notification of intent by the parent/guardian and completion of an approved Home Education Program Plan.
  3. If notification and program requirements are met, the Superintendent will provide for program supervision and assessment of student achievement.
  4. If a home education student moves to another jurisdiction, the division shall cease to be responsible for the home education program and monitoring of the student's achievement unless specifically authorized by the Superintendent.
  5. An approved home education program will be under the general supervision of the Home Schooling Supervisor who reports to the Associate Superintendent (Learning Services). 
  6. Supervision:
    1. The student is assigned to the Home School principal.
    2. The principal will be responsible for the monitoring and review of the homeschooling program of the assigned student(s). The supervisor shall provide for and maintain records of assessment of the student's achievement and notify the parent/guardian if there are any deficiencies in the program, including eligibility to write Grade 12 diploma examinations or the granting of credits.
    3. A minimum of two (2) visits by the supervisor are required where access is reasonable. The supervisor may require additional visits where it will encourage further learning progress.
    4. Any recommended adjustments/modifications to the proposed program are to be reviewed with the Superintendent and require documented approval.
    5. The supervisor will inform and encourage, where possible, students on approved home education programs to participate in local school programs (e.g., field trips) and provide them with access to local school facilities (e.g., library, gymnasium, computer labs) provided that the student will be appropriately supervised by the parent/guardian, as well as provide instructional materials, where necessary and available, in return for student fees that are applicable.
    6. Registration and course fees for those students accessing the Alberta Distance Learning Centre shall be assumed by the homeschooling site.
    7. Students accessing funds for programs other than Alberta Distance Learning Centre courses shall be eligible for up to 50% of the homeschooling per-pupil grant.
    8. Students transferring from a regular school program to home education after September 30 of the school year in which they are enrolled shall have their access to funding prorated by a rate of 10% per month for each month that they were enrolled in the regular education program.
  7. Student achievement:
    1. The supervisor shall arrange to:
      1. Assess or provide for the assessment of the student's achievement on a regular basis and communicate those results forthwith to the parent/guardian;
      2. Inform the parent/guardian if, in the opinion of Palliser School Division, a reasonable achievement for that student is not being shown; and
      3. Make recommendations to the parent/guardian to assist the student in increasing his/her level of achievement.
    2. Students enrolled in an approved home education program shall take the provincially administered achievement tests (Grades 3, 6 and 9) or an approved alternative unless exempted by the Superintendent, in conjunction with the guidelines from Alberta Education.
    3. Home education students shall be notified by the supervisor to initiate arrangements for the writing of provincial achievement tests (Grades 3, 6, and 9) and diploma examinations for Grade 12.
    4. Accommodation and supervision of the writing examinations shall be the responsibility of the supervisor. Achievement tests and diploma examinations shall be written in a division school under the supervision of the principal.
  8. A student in a home education program following a course of studies prescribed by the Minister is eligible to receive high school credits if the requirements of the Minister are met.
  9. The Superintendent, upon the recommendation of the supervisor, may, in writing, terminate the program and direct the student to a school operated by the division if:
    1. The student fails to achieve at an acceptable rate;
    2. The home education program does not continue to meet the requirements of being prescribed or approved by the Minister under the Education Act; or
    3. The home education program does not comply with any orders made under Education Act.
  10. If the decision of the Superintendent is to confirm that the home education program is not approved or is terminated, he shall inform the parent/guardian of their right of appeal to the Board in accordance with Policy 8 – Appeals and Hearings Regarding Student Matters.
  11. When home education students wish to be re-admitted to a school operated by the division, or when the home education program has been terminated and the student has been directed to a school operated by the division, the supervisor of the receiving school and the Superintendent, in consultation with the Home Schooling Supervisor and the Associate Superintendent (Learning Services), shall be responsible for determining the appropriate placement of the student for grade and subject level purposes.
  12. Central Office shall maintain a student record that contains all decisions and information regarding a student with respect to a home education program.
  13. Renewal of the home education program shall be the responsibility of the home education parent/guardian and occur through the annual completion of an updated Home Education Regulation Notification Form prior to September 15 of the new school term.
  14. Administration:
    1. Central Office will maintain a master list of home education students.
    2. The Home Schooling Supervisor will complete all required forms for assigned students.
    3. Any rental fees to be charged will be determined in cooperation with the Secretary-Treasurer.
    4. Disbursement of funds to parents, as required by home education policy or regulation, shall be made by the office of the Secretary-Treasurer. All disbursements will be done only by the submission of receipts to the Home Schooling Supervisor or the office of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  15. Palliser School Division is not a willing non-resident school jurisdiction. The Superintendent may, under special circumstances, allow for the registration of non-resident students in the division’s home education program.
  16. Resident high school students are encouraged to pursue their homeschooling endeavors through their local high schools or Palliser's online school.

Education Act
Home Education Regulation