Dear families of Palliser School Division
Throughout this pandemic, the school division has been committed to keeping our students and staff safe - physically, mentally, and academically. Despite the adversity we have faced, I am incredibly proud of the work we have done, together with families, to promote health and safety in our schools, support students’ social and emotional needs, and accelerate students’ academic learning.
On health and safety, we know that mitigation strategies work. Immunization, as communicated by the Provincial Government and Health Officials, is the most effective means to prevent the spread of COVID-19, mitigate outbreaks, and protect ourselves and children who cannot yet be vaccinated. In an effort to maintain in-person learning while ensuring the comprehensive health of our staff and students, we will be implementing Procedures that add important risk mitigation strategies. Beginning January 4, 2022, the Division will require all employees, volunteers and practicum students to be fully vaccinated OR participate in a regular, rapid testing program that ensures they are not COVID-19 positive while in contact with students and other employees. This is in addition to all current risk mitigation measures as outlined in our re-entry plan.
This requirement will apply to all staff, volunteers, and personnel from community agencies who come into our school buildings. This does not apply to Division students or parents/guardians, unless parents/guardians are acting in a position of a volunteer. Currently, children under 12 are still not eligible for vaccination and there is no provincial legislation that requires K–12 students to have specific vaccinations. Further, in keeping with the Education Act, every child in Alberta is entitled to have access to an education program.
Every single one of our team members is committed to student safety and will follow all public health directives to ensure high quality and normal operations for our students. Together, with you, we have an unrelenting focus on ensuring our children are successful.
For more information regarding Administrative Procedure 133: Workplace Health and Safety Hazard Control Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Status Procedure, please follow this link.
Those who are seeking more information regarding this new procedure are asked to please email
Sincerely,Dave Driscoll, Superintendent