Register with our Automated Dispatch System
Palliser School Division uses an automated dispatch system to find suitable and available substitute teachers for our schools from Coaldale to Calgary.
In order to serve as a substitute teacher in Palliser, you must first successfully apply to join our sub list. You can find application information on our Career Opportunities page. Once you've been approved, you are free to work as a substitute teacher.
For more information about being a substitute teacher, please see our Palliser School Division Substitute Teacher Handbook.
Our valued team of substitute teachers and casual support staff is managed from our Lethbridge office. If you have questions about working as a substitute in Palliser or need support with the automated dispatch system, please call the Human Resources Department ~ Lethbridge office at (403) 328-4111 or toll free at 1 (877) 667-1234.
If you are an active sub teacher or casual employee, and you need to cancel a dispatch, please contact the school at which you are booked to sub. The admin teams at the school will be able to provide you with assistance.