On Oct. 5, 2021, the, Government of Alberta requested that school boards develop staff vaccination policies as part of a provincial strategy to support “safe in-person learning.”
Our Board of Trustees in conjunction with senior administration is consulting with our legal counsel, employee groups, and associations about the possibility of mandatory vaccines. We will continue to fact gather and assess measures for potential staff vaccination. The Division will update staff and the community as work on this process continues.
Regardless of any decisions made for the adults associated with Palliser School Division, we wish to be clear that any vaccine requirements will NOT apply to students. A school authority cannot deny their students access to education due to immunization status. There is no provincial legislation that requires K-12 students to be vaccinated in order to attend school and Alberta Education has clearly indicated to school boards that there are no plans to mandate vaccinations for students.
We ask staff and parents/guardians to be patient as our Senior Administration gathers feedback and examines all possibilities. Further communication will be forthcoming.