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Policy 14: Policy Making



Policy Making


July 2017


June 14, 2022

Policy Statement:

Policy development is a key responsibility of the Board. Policies constitute the will of the Board in determining how the Division will be operated and communicate the Board’s values, beliefs and expectations. Policies provide effective direction and guidelines for the action of the Board, Superintendent, staff, students, electors and other agencies. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all who may be interested in or connected with the operation of the Division. Adoption of new Board policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board. 

The Board shall be guided in its approach to policy making by ensuring adherence to the requirements necessary to provide high-quality public education, compliance with the Education Act and provincial as well as federal legislation. 

Board policies shall provide an appropriate balance between the responsibility of the Board to develop the broad guidelines for the Division and the role of the Superintendent to exercise professional judgment in the administration of the Division. 

Board Action:

The Board shall adhere to the following stages in its approach to policy making: 

  1. Planning - The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall assess the need for a policy, as a result of its own monitoring activities or on the suggestion of others, and identify the critical attributes of each policy to be developed. 
  2. Development - The Board may develop the policy itself or delegate the responsibility for its development to the Superintendent or designate.
  3. Implementation - The Board is responsible for the implementation of policies governing its own processes. The Board and Superintendent share the responsibility for the implementation of policies relating to the Board-Superintendent relationship. The Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of the other policies related to daily operations of the school division.
  4. Evaluation - The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall evaluate each policy in a timely manner in order to determine if it is meeting its intended purpose. 


  1. Any Trustee, standing committee, stakeholder group, employee group, community member, parent, student or Parent Council of the Division may make suggestions regarding the possible development of a policy or the need for policy revisions on any matter by presenting a proposal for a policy or revisions, in writing, to the Superintendent. The proposal shall contain a brief statement of purpose or rationale. 
  2. The Superintendent will inform the Board of the request for policy development/ revision. The Board will determine the action to be taken. 
  3. At the direction of the Board the Superintendent will draft amendments to an existing policy or develop a new policy as the case may be. 
  4. The Superintendent may seek legal advice on the intent and the wording of the policy. 
  5. The policy draft is then brought by the Superintendent to the Board for review. 
  6. The Board acknowledges that in certain circumstances, stakeholders affected by a proposed policy may be involved in policy development. 
  7. The Board approves the draft policy for dissemination for stakeholder review.
  8. After a review period the Superintendent will bring back the draft policy to the Board.
  9. The policy returns to the Board for consideration of final approval.
  10. Only those policies which are adopted and recorded in the minutes constitute the official policies of the Board. 
  11. In the absence of existing policy, the Board may make decisions, by resolution, on matters affecting the administration, management and operation of the Division. Such decisions carry the weight of policy until such time as specific written policy is developed. Those which have continuing applicability shall become part of an existing policy or become a free-standing policy if directed by Board motion. 
  12. The Board may direct the Superintendent to change an administrative procedure to a draft Board policy and will provide the rationale for the  same.
  13. The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures as specified by Board Delegation of Authority and may develop such other procedures as deemed necessary for the effective operation of the Division. These must be in accordance with Board policies. 
  14. The Board may also delete a policy and subsequently delegate the Superintendent authority over this area. The Superintendent may choose to then develop an            Administrative Procedure relative to this matter.             
  15. The Superintendent must inform the Board of any changes to administrative procedures. The Administrative Procedures number and title shall be referenced as an information item in a Board agenda. Tracked changes shall be made accessible online to trustees for a period of one month following such a change. 
  16. The Superintendent shall arrange for all Board policies and administrative procedures and subsequent revisions to be posted on the Division’s website, in a timely manner. 
  17. The Board shall review and revise its policies on a rotational basis which provides for all policies being reviewed at least once per term of office. 
  18. The Board may make an exception to an existing policy but only when done by Board resolution.

Scope and Limitations of Superintendent:

The Superintendent will ensure that Administrative Procedures are up to date, and the Board is aware of the procedure changes and are consistent with Board policies.

Information and Monitoring Requirements:

The Board shall be informed of new Administrative Procedures and changes to Administrative Procedures.