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Administrative Procedure 202: Curriculum Delivery

The Superintendent is responsible for providing leadership in all matters relating to the delivery of curriculum in the division. He/She will ensure students in the division have the opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards of education set by the Minister. To best meet the needs of students, a variety of program delivery options are available.

  1. The teachers’ first obligation is to provide a basic education for all students as mandated by the Alberta Program of Studies.
  2. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that students meet or exceed the standards defined by the learner outcomes as outlined by the Alberta Program of Studies, provincial achievement assessments and graduation requirements. As well, teachers have the responsibility to prepare students for citizenship, lifelong learning and entry into theworld of work or post-secondary studies.
  3. Teachers shall utilize instructional assessment strategies that recognize individual learning styles and that are inherently engaging.


Education Act
Alberta Program of Studies, Alberta Education
Teacher Quality Standard
Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12, Alberta Education