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Administrative Procedure 207: Human Sexuality Education

The human sexuality components in components in the Health and Life Skills provincial curriculum will be taught in division schools subject to the following administrative procedures.

  1. Prior to offering any part of the human sexuality component to students, principals must provide parents an opportunity to become familiar with the curriculum and resources to be used.
  2. Parents shall be given the choice as to whether or not to have their child/children participate in the program. Parents who choose to have their child/children excluded from the program will complete the Human Sexuality Instruction Exclusion Request Form for Students which is available in all division schools.
  3. Suitable educational alternatives will be provided by the school for those children who do not participate.
  4. The selection of the teacher for this strand will be done with sensitivity.
  5. The use of community resource personnel (e.g., health unit) trained or knowledgeable in this area is encouraged.
  6. Any changes or additions to the approved human sexuality strand must receive written approval from the Superintendent.

Education Act
Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12
Alberta Human Rights Act