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Administrative Procedure 217: Locally Developed and Acquired Courses

Palliser School Division supports locally developed and acquired the junior high school and senior high school complementary courses that do not duplicate provincially authorized courses to better meet the interests and abilities of students. These courses require authorization from the Superintendent in order to be implemented in the division and are subject to the following procedures. Any courses acquired before the moratorium can still be used at this time.  

  1. The only courses that are eligible for local development are programs at the junior high school and senior high school levels.
  2. All locally developed/acquired and authorized courses and learning resources shall be consistent with:
    1. School Act; and
    2. The Guide to Education, ECS to Grade 12.
  3. All locally developed/acquired courses are subject to monitoring by Alberta Education.
  4. All submissions from principals for locally developed/acquired courses shall include all information specified in the Guide to Education, ECS to Grade 12.
  5. The Superintendent may authorize a junior high complementary course for a three (3) year period, subject to the guidelines and regulations of Alberta Education. Principals shall forward all submissions for locally developed/acquired junior high school complementary courses to the Superintendent each year no later than March 31 for implementation in the first semester, or by November 1 for implementation in the second semester. The Superintendent may reauthorize the offering of locally/acquired and authorized courses for additional three (3) year periods.
  6. The Superintendent may authorize a senior high school course, following a review by Alberta Education regarding overlap with provincially authorized curriculum. Principals shall forward all submissions for locally developed/acquired high school courses to the Superintendent each year no later than March 31 for implementation in the first semester, or by November 1 for implementation in the second semester.  Authorizations may be renewed every three (3) years and do not require a review for overlap by Alberta Education.
  7. The Superintendent will inform Alberta Education of all locally developed/acquired course reauthorizations.
  8. All locally authorized courses must be submitted to Alberta Education through the Locally Deveolped Courses Online Management System (LDCOMS).
  9. If Palliser Regional Schools desires to use a course developed by another Board or authority, permission and clearance of copyright must be obtained before use.
  10. When courses are to be offered for credit, course codes shall be obtained from Alberta Education. All courses will be offered for three (3) credits or more.
  11. Locally developed/acquired courses may satisfy the following requirements for the Alberta High School Diploma:
    1. Ten (10) credits from Career and Technology Studies or fine arts or second languages; and
    2. Credits in any 30-level course in addition to English or Social Studies.
  12. Locally developed/acquired courses at the senior high school level shall be designated as 15-, 25- and 35-level courses.
  13. Locally developed/acquired and authorized courses involving an off-campus workstation or site shall conform to the Off-Campus Education Handbook and applicable legislation such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, and local and provincial health, safety and building standards.
  14. The Superintendent will arrange for periodic monitoring and evaluation of locally-developed/acquired courses offered in division schools.

Education Act
Guide to Education, ECS to Grade 12
Off-Campus Education Handbook