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Administrative Procedure 251: Information Sharing Protocol for Family School Liaison Counsellors (FSLC)

Family School Liaison Counsellors offer professional services providing emotional, social, and spiritual support to our students and their families. Counselors provide professional services that include individual counseling, peer support programs, and support groups while liaising with the students’ parents/guardians.  FSLC counselors are employed by Palliser School Division and play an integral role in ensuring the overall success of our students through effective collaboration with administration, teachers, and non-certified staff. Counselors and teachers are both bound by their respective professional codes of conduct. In all situations, the safety of all students must be considered paramount. That matters related to students be communicated to the Principal and or his/her designate based on the general principles of the Education Act that directs school employees to act in a “student’s best interest.”

  1. FSLC counselors will share information with the principal or designate related to the following student matters:
    1. Imminent risk of physical or emotional injury to the student or anyone else inside or outside of school.
    2. If the student shares any information of physical, emotional, or sexual harm to himself or herself or any other minor or dependent person.
    3. Any information that is deemed injurious to the student, other students, or adults.
    4. If the counselor is subpoenaed by the court of law to release information.

Education Act
Criminal Code of Canada
AP 250, Guidance and Counseling services
AP 310, Safe and Caring School Environments
AP 317, Threat Assessment Protocol
AP 352, Bullying in School