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Administrative Procedure 319: Safe Interventions with Students

Palliser School Division strives to ensure that each student and staff member is provided with a safe environment. Safe interventions at times of crisis or conflict are acts of care, not discipline or behaviour management.

  1. Behavioural interventions with students must consider the right of all children and youth to be treated with dignity.
  2. All students should receive educational programming and supports in a safe and least restrictive environment.
  3. Positive behaviour supports may be put in place to promote self-regulation and an optimum learning environment for the student and the classroom.
  4. Staff will be trained in Supporting Individuals with Valued Attachments (SIVA) in order to ensure proactive behaviours supports and safe interventions when required.
    1. A minimum of one school administrator and learning support teacher at each school will maintain current SIVA certification. The principal will determine other school staff whom should access the training. Other trainees may include education assistants and classroom teachers, as determined by student needs.
    2. Family school liaison counsellors will maintain current SIVA certification.
    3. Division training opportunities will be coordinated by the Director of Learning (Inclusive Education).
  5. In an effort to maintain a safe and caring environment for staff and students, de-escalation strategies will be used to manage a potential conflict or crisis situation. Every staff member is encouraged to avoid physical safety interventions in all situations.
  6. Physical safety intervention and/or escort to a safe location is viewed as a “last resort” intervention while maintaining student dignity as much as possible. “Last resort” means that all other possible reasonable interventions have been implemented with fidelity and these interventions have failed to prevent or de-escalate a situation and there is significant concern for the personal safety of the student and/or others.
  7. Physical safety interventions and escorts shall be used in the school setting only in cases where the safety of the student and/or others is in imminent danger. Physical intervention must be consistent with the principles of SIVA.
  8. When a physical safety intervention and/or escort is required, it should be for a limited amount of time. A quiet space will be provided for the student to regain self-control.
  9. The Superintendent of Schools or designate and the Director of Learning (Inclusive Education) shall be informed when a situation arise where physical intervention is necessary.
    1. A Physical Intervention Incident Report must be submitted to the Director of Learning (Inclusive Education) immediately following an incident.