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Administrative Procedure 354: Damage to School Property

Persons who destroy, damage or lose division property, either intentionally or through neglect, will be held responsible for the cost of the property.  Palliser property includes its facilities, equipment, vehicles and technology.

  1. If an employee destroys, damages or loses division property, the individual is responsible to report the damage promptly to his/her immediate supervisor.  The supervisor is to assess the damage and determine how the property can be repaired or replaced.
  2. In the course of a person's work, damage can occur unintentionally.  However, if the damage occurs through neglect or through activities not associated with a person's work day, the employee is expected to cover the cost of repair or replacement.
  3. Efforts will initially be made by the principal to collect the costs of school property from person(s) responsible if adequate proof of destruction, damage, loss or conversion of school property by those persons(s) is presented. If payment is not received within a reasonable time, the matter will be referred to the Associate Superintendent (Learning Services).
  4. Destruction, damage, loss or conversion of school property shall be reported immediately by the principal to the Facilities Services Supervisor followed by a written report on an appropriate form.

Education Act