Budding young artists who reside in the federal Lethbridge riding represented by Member of Parliament Jim Hillyer are invited to enter a drawing contest for an opportunity to have his/her original design appear on the MP’s Christmas mail out.
The theme of the competition is “What does the Christmas season mean to you?”
Four art pieces will be selected from grade specific categories: grades 1-3; grades 4-6; grades 7-9; and grades 10-12. Each artist can submit one 8.5 by 11 inch drawing which can be in colour or black and white. Drawings selected for publication will be printed in black and white but will appear in colour on the MP’s website, www.jimhillyer.com, and Facebook page. Visit www.jimhillyer.com for a copy of the entry form.
The drawing and official entry form may be sent by mail, no postage required, to:
Jim Hillyer, MP
255 8 Street S.
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4Y1
The deadline to enter is Oct. 1, 2013.