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Administrative Procedure 151: Parent/Public Inquiries and Concerns

Parents and members of the public have a right to make inquiries into the conduct of operations of the public school system. In the interests of open communication, inquiries shall first be directed to employees most directly involved in the operations in question. If the parent or member of the public is not satisfied with the response at that level, he/she is encouraged to follow the lines of authority as appropriate. The following administrative procedures may assist persons seeking to make inquiries that relate to program, classroom instruction or other school-related issues. The normal sequence of communication shall be: staff member, principal, Superintendent or designate, Board and the Minister of Education.

  1. The first level at which an inquiry shall be dealt with is the staff member.
  2. If the matter is not resolved, it shall be referred to the principal. It is expected that most issues will be successfully resolved at this level.
  3. If the matter is not resolved at the school level, the inquiry may be registered (preferably in writing) with the Superintendent, who will initiate a review of the matter within five (5) school days and will consult fully with all affected parties in reaching a decision. This decision will be conveyed both to the school and the inquirer.
  4. If the inquirer is not satisfied, he/she may appeal to the Board, in writing, outlining the facts of the matter and the previous attempts at resolution. Policy 11 – Appeals and Hearings Regarding Student Matters will be used to address the matter.
  5. In agreement with Alberta Education, this appeal process shall not be waived, short-circuited or circumvented unless clear evidence can be shown by the inquirer that it is in the interests of all parties to do so. Under such circumstances, the Superintendent reserves his/her right to inquire into any matter at any time on behalf of the division.
  6. Decisions made by an employee of Palliser Regional Schools are appealable to the next level of the Palliser Regional Schools organizational chart and ultimately to the MInister of Education.

Education Act
Cross Reference: Policy 8 – Appeals and Hearings Regarding Student Matters
Organizational Chart