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Administrative Procedure 309: Comprehensive School Health

A comprehensive school health framework develops healthy school communities. Research has shown that healthy students are better learners. One way to support the health of students is to implement a comprehensive school health framework in school settings. In the classroom, a comprehensive school health framework helps to improve academic achievement and can increase positive behaviours (Deschesnes et al., 2003). In the broader school environment, it helps students develop the skills they need to be physically and emotionally healthy for life (WHO, 2007).


To collaboratively support the health and success of students in Palliser Regional Schools by being proactive in the areas of physical, social, intellectual and mental well-being.  This proactive approach will lead to healthier students who are better equipped to learn and achieve. 

  1. A Health Champion needs to be identified in every school each fall and shared with the Director of Learning.
    1. It is recommended to have two face to face meetings with the health champions each year, one in the fall to review the healthy school planner and create the action plan for the year. One would also be held in the spring to fill in the healthy school planner which will give areas of strength and drive the future action plans. Healthy school planner link is:
    2. Two health champions throughout the district should attend the Shaping the Future Conference each year and then share their learnings with the other health champions in the spring.
  2. A Comprehensive School Health Committee should be established at each school. This committee is comprised of at least the health champion and school administrator. Other possible members of this committee can be other interested staff members, parents, community members and students. The committee:
    1. Collaborates on the action plans and healthy school planner.
    2. Is responsible for ensuring the action plan is implemented.
    3. Evaluates the effectiveness of the action plan and creates recommendations for the future.
    4. Celebrates the accomplishments over the school year.
  3. Communication is important to maintain between the Health Champion and/or School Administration, and the Health Promotion Coordinator at Alberta Health Services.
    1. Sharing of resources from Alberta Health Services will come from the Health Promotion Coordinator via the health champion network. These resources will then be shared with administrators via the Director of Learning.
    2. The health champion is then responsible for sharing this information to the rest of the school community.
  4. The principal, in conjunction with the School Health Committee is responsible for fostering appropriate healthy choices among all students and staff. These healthy choices include all areas of health. For example healthy eating, active living, positive mental wellness, etc.
  5. All school communities will examine their health practices. It is recommended to access the Provincial Teachers Resource List for the most up to date, research based comprehensive school health information. This can be found at:


Created May 2017