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Administrative Procedure 513: Authorized Signatures

The division (hereinafter called the "Division") authorizes signatures to sign on its behalf on fiscal-related matters of the Division.

  1. All cheques of the Division drawn in the name of the Division will be signed by electronic cheque signing equipment bearing the signatures of the Board Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Superintendent or the Secretary-Treasurer are authorized to sign documents related to banking arrangements necessary for carrying out the division’s business.
  3. The Chair or Vice-Chair, and the Superintendent or the Secretary-Treasurer are authorized to sign all business contract and agreements on behalf of the Division following approval.
  4. Signing officers for contracts with individual employees shall be the Superintendent or designate for all divisional d professional and support staff.

Cross Reference:  Policy 3 – Role of the Board Chair

Updated: March 2017