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Administrative Procedure 550: Student Transportation

The division will provide transportation for all eligible funded pupils to and from school within the requirements of the School Act or regulations that affect student transportation and in accordance with Board policies and division Administrative Procedures.

  1. Transportation will be provided to all resident students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 in accordance with Policy 19 – Student Transportation. 
  2. The division will operate a Transportation Department under the direction of the Transportation Services Supervisor. 
  3. The Superintendent is authorized to establish Administrative Procedures for the operation of the Transportation Department.

Duties and responsibilities of the School Administration 

  1. The principal shall be responsible for ensuring that bus loading zones at the school are adequately supervised during bus loading and drop-off times. 
  2. The principal shall establish bell times in consultation with the Transportation Services Supervisor.
  3. The principal or designate shall be responsible for notifying bus drivers when children have been taken from school during the day or when parents have given them notification that they will be picking up their children after school.
  4. Only a principal may suspend a student from riding the school bus, with attention to due process and in accordance with the School Act.
  5. While it is the responsibility of the bus driver to maintain order on the bus, the principal is ultimately responsible for student discipline on the school bus.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Transportation Services Supervisor

  1. The Transportation Services Supervisor is responsible for the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of all student transportation within the division.
  2. The Transportation Services Supervisor shall ensure school bus operations are in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations, rules, policies and administrative procedures. 

Duties and Responsibilities of the School Bus Driver

  1. School bus drivers are responsible for transporting students safely from their residence to school and back to their residence again. When there is doubt regarding proper procedure, the safety of students shall be of paramount importance.
  2. Bus drivers shall comply with the Palliser Regional Schools Bus Driver Handbook in the operation of their vehicles.
  3. The duties and job description of bus drivers shall be documented in the Bus Driver Handbook and shall be updated yearly
  4. In the event there is a discrepancy in the Bus Driver Handbook, it is the responsibility of the bus driver to bring the discrepancy to the attention of the Transportation Services Supervisor.

Education Act
Student Transportation Regulation
Cross Reference:  Policy 12 – Student Transportation