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Administrative Procedure 560: Video Surveillance on School Buses

The Board of Trustees believes that the use of video cameras on school buses will help protect the safety of passengers, prevent vandalism, and be a useful resource for school administrators when dealing with student discipline matters.

  1. Only cameras belonging to Palliser School Division will be used. The videos are the property of Palliser School Division. Cameras may be installed in accordance at the request of a bus driver, Transportation Services Supervisor, school administration or central office administration.
  2. The following sign will be posted on each bus that is adapted to have video cameras.
    You may be monitored by a Seon
    video and audio surveillance system”
  3. Parents will be notified upon registering at the school that students may be monitored by video surveillance.
  4. The Transportation Services Supervisor and/or the School Administrator may view the video when a reviewable incident arises during a bus trip or when there is suspicion of inappropriate behavior.
  5. Parents will not have access to the videotapes unless it can be assured that the privacy of other students on the bus is protected, or unless permission from all parties is secured.

Education Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act