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Administrative Procedure 559: Bus Safety and Use

Safety is the prime responsibility in transporting students, thereby necessitating the establishment of appropriate regulations for the use of the division’s bus fleet. All buses and transportation equipment shall be properly maintained and properly used for the transportation of students only.

  1. Buses will be used for the purpose of transporting students to and from school and transporting students on school-approved activities. Buses may also be used to provide transportation services to outside agencies and will be driven only by qualified Palliser employees. Any other use must be approved by the Secretary-Treasurer or designate.
  2. Buses will transport students to and from school on routes determined by the Transportation Services Supervisor based on student enrolment, and bus capacity and in conjunction with current Alberta Education transportation regulations and grant formulas. Routes will be created to be as efficient as possible, taking full advantage of all grant revenues.
  3. Drivers will be allocated a bus of the appropriate size for their route. Drivers will be expected to drive their bus route as close to the prescribed route as possible.
  4. Drivers will be responsible for starting their bus in all types of weather and will be responsible for a clean and warm bus. Where appropriate, Palliser Regional Schools will provide drivers with an allowance for electrical plug-ins and for washing the bus.
  5. Where written communication is received from an individual(s) or a municipal government expressing concern over the parking of buses in the residential area of a town or village, the Associate Superintendent (Education Services) or designate may direct the driver(s) to park the bus or buses in a secure facility away from the residential area. Such facility shall be fenced and locked and not be located at a school site.
  6. Buses are not to be operated for personal use.
  7. Drivers must perform a “walk-around” before starting and operating any bus or transportation vehicle. Drivers must report mechanical deficiencies immediately to the Transportation Services Supervisor or shop mechanic using the approved form.
  8. Accidents, collisions or road mishaps must be reported to the Transportation Services Supervisor immediately by phone, followed up by completing the approved form.
  9. Palliser School Division Transportation Services Department safety guidelines and procedures in the Driver Safety Handbook must be followed. The driver handbook will be updated as required by the Transportation Services Supervisor and any changes will be communicated to all bus drivers.

Education Act