Calgary Christian fair inspires volunteerism

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Hundreds of students interested in serving others were able to connect with more than 30 service agencies offering hundreds of opportunities to volunteer as Calgary Christian School offered its third annual InspirAct event Feb. 10.

The volunteer fair was open to students from about a half dozen other schools, including other Palliser Regional Schools: Calgary Islamic School, Heritage Christian Academy and Master’s Academy and College.

“We are called to be a light to the world and to think of others’ needs as well as our own, especially in these current times,” said Calgary Christian Secondary School Principal Jason Kupery. “Our goal at CCS is to create life-long learners and life-long servants who are willing to be active in responding to the brokenness that exists in our world. InspirAct provides an opportunity for students to see what they can do in their community and hopefully identify where their passions for service lie.”

The range of volunteer opportunities and agencies participating in the fair was diverse. Agencies included Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, Calgary Public Library, City of Calgary – Neighborhood Services, Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta, Children’s Cottage Society, Camp Chestermere, Calgary Zoo and the MEOW and Animal Rescue Foundations, to name just a few.

Kupery said the high school’s cross-graded peer advisory groups have focused on service in their chapels, and each group is now responsible to support a local charity or do a service project in the community.

“We are encouraging students to become active leaders in their communities through service,” he said.

Organizations are welcome to participate in future InspirAct events to help connect with young volunteers and inspire service. Please contact Charlene Foster, career and academic counsellor at Calgary Christian School, at