More measles immunization clinics planned

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Alberta Health Services has announced two additional measles immunization clinics in Lethbridge for children. 

  • 2 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13 at the Main Pavilion, Lethbridge Exhibition Park (use the south entrance)
  • 2 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20 at the Main Pavilion, Lethbridge Exhibition Park (use the south entrance)

Alberta Health Services said it expects the number of cases of measles to continue to rise over coming weeks, with cases reported so far in Fort Macleod, Picture Butte and Coaldale. All cases to date have been reported in individuals who have not had any measles vaccination.

If you or your child has not been immunized and develops symptoms of measles, AHS urges you or your child to stay home for at least four full days after rash starts. There is no treatment for measles.

Symptoms are:

  • Fever of 38.3 or higher
  • Cough, runny nose or red eyes
  • Red blotchy rash appears three to seven days after the fever starts, beginning behind the earas and on the face and spreading down to the body and then to the arms and legs.

People who have not been vaccinated, or who have not previously had measles, can develop disease within seven to 21 days of exposure to a contagious disease.

It is recommended all students receive measles immunization.

For more information on measles, please call Health Link Alberta at 1-866-408-5465 or visit the AHS Measles Outbreak page at