Recognized each year on Feb. 26, Pink Shirt Day not only raises awareness of bullying prevention but also aligns with Palliser Regional Schools’ goal of providing a safe and caring environment for every student. Students who feel a sense of respect and belonging are more likely to stay in school to learn and succeed.
Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying, which is defined as repeated mean, cruel, hurtful behaviours done on purpose by someone with more power. It can be verbal, physical, social and online.
A focus this year is where to turn if in need of help. Information on supports and resources available in Alberta – as well as means of identifying bullying and what to do if you suspect someone is being bullied – has been made available by the provincial government at http://bit.ly/2PdaXPb